Organika’s Liga-Joint Premium provides a unique blend of ingredients that work in synergy to support your joints and provide pain relief through active ingredients like Type ll Collagen, Glucosamine Sulfate/Hydrochloride and Methylsufonylmethane (MSN). The potent ingredients in this formula can help support cartilage development surrounding joints, reducing the symptoms associated with osteoarthritis and promoting healthy joint mobility. The Liga-Joint family can also reduce local joint inflammation to further help manage osteoarthritis symptoms as well as reduce associated joint pain. Because our Liga-Joint Premium contains active glucosamine in the HCL form and added collagen to optimize your body’s ability to repair damaged soft tissue, this helps rebuild cartilage, reducing mechanical stress on bones for better movement. Helps to reduce joint pain and rebuild cartilage. BENEFITS: Helps relieve joint pain associated with arthritis and osteoarthritis. Anti-inflammatory, and reduces stress on bones. Helps build protein, enzyme and hormone levels. Encourages repair of tendons, ligaments and synovial fluid levels.