St. Francis Herb Farm's UTI Clear (formerly Uritin) is a tincture formula that is used as a urinary tract antiseptic to help relieve benign urinary tract infections.
- Featuring golden rod, an anti-inflammatory urinary tract antiseptic, and juniper, a gentle diuretic with antimicrobial properties
- With dandelion, a powerful diuretic and liver tonic
- Includes horsetail, a urinary anti-infective herb that reduces stones and tones the walls of the bladder and urethra
- Complemented by hydrangea, a calming herb that prevents urinary stones, and the antiseptic qualities of echinacea and yarrow
- Also with marshmallow, whose mucilaginous properties soothe inflammation of the genito-urinary tract
Consider using UTI Clear (Formerly Uritin) if you're experiencing a urinary tract infection.
St. Francis Herb Farm uses either certified organic or wildcrafted herbs in our Uritrin® herbal formula.