Moringa, also known as “drumstick tree”, is a fast-growing tree, which is native to the Himalayan Mountains in the Northwestern India. Due to its superior cultivating quality and nutrient-rich edible parts, the Moringa has been researched and actively cultivated by several NGOs for the purpose of reducing poverty and malnutrition in develeoping countries. Although many parts of the Moringa are edible, the leaves are the most nutritious part. They contain 3 times more iron than spinach and are loaded with tons of calcium, potassium, protein and vitamins, including vitamin C and A as well as powerful antioxidants. Moringa has been used in folk medicine, including Siddha medicine and Ayurvedic traditional medicines. It is currently being researched for other potential nutrients and phytochemicals. Currently with its high content of nutrients, the Moringa is recommended for energy enhancement by researchers and doctors.